Anthropological Interpretations

Spaces and Characters in the Current Asian Context

What social sciences (in particular anthropology) have to say about characters and society within the contemporary “post-post” Asian context?

And, to be more accurate, what kind of new interpretations scholars and researchers are able to propose about a changing framework that probably no longer fits a reductive post-modernist label?

In this panel, we wish to answer the mentioned questions, sharing participant observation findings and assessing new points of view. To do so, some key topics (or characters’ common experiences) may be kept in mind:

  • being young; young generations leading role as society larger group with peculiar wishes, fears and limited agency
  • being a laborer; the individual and public experience of unemployment, job-seeking, labor and retirement
  • being a migrant; new bias in global migration, relocation to mega-towns and industrial areas phenomenon and life in an over-urbanized milieu
  • being part of the global market; individual and “local” outcome of the macroeconomic crisis

Chairperson: Giacomo Tabacco

Gabriele De Seta (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
The Noise Connection: Experimental Music in China as a Networked Subculture

[long abstract to be found in the conference booklet]

Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin (University of Milan-Bicocca)
Adat in Gayonese Discourse and Practice: The Development of Ethnic Identity in Indonesia

[long abstract to be found in the conference booklet]

Giacomo Tabacco (University of Milan-Bicocca)
Speaking of Success: Overwork, Malaises and Dreams among a Group of Javanese Factory Laborers

[long abstract to be found in the conference booklet]

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